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Auditing Companies Working with Halal and Haram Medication

Question Hello! I am working as an auditor at EY. My job as an external auditor is to conduct independent assessments of organizations' financial statements and disclosures and confirm that the financial statements do not contain errors or fraudulent activity. As such, is it permissible to perform the prior on pharmaceutical companies that manufacture both halal and haram medicines? Thank you! Answer Asslamu'alaykum, This is InshaAllah fine. And Allah knows best.Sheikh Ammar Jakda

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Working with Financial Companies Involving Riba

Question Assalamualaikum, Alhamdullilah I am in talks in final stages for a data scientist job at a consulting company. The job seems rewarding and the team members seem nice. However, the problem is part of their business they advice/consult financial companies. As we know these financial companies in Canada are riba based. For example, as data scientist, my job may be to build models that can predict default rate of customers or provide lending strategies to these companies. There may be cases where I am working for other areas as well since it is a consulting company. My question is it halal for me to work in this company? The company website is Currently these are my strategies: Accept...

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