University of Waterloo

Muslim Students' Association

Assalamu Alaikum

Assalamu Alaikum

Welcome to the website of the University of Waterloo's Muslim Students’ Association!

At the UW MSA, we seek to create a community that is open and dynamic, which caters to the best interests of all Muslims on campus. Read more on our mission here.

Prayer Times

July 27, 2024 – 

Prayer times are based on the Waterloo Masjid. All iqamah prayers are held in SLC 3252. View all prayer spaces here.

Salat Adhan Iqamah

Jumu'ah on Campus

📢 Jumu'ah on-campus services for :

  • Jumu'ah 1
    • SLC 3252
    • 1:30 PM
    • Khateeb: Rayyan Mahmood
    • Topic: The Disease of the Heart
  • Jumu'ah 2
    • MC 2018
    • 2:15 PM
    • Khateeb: Sabeeh Ahmed
  • Jumu'ah 3
    • Arts Quad
    • 3:00 PM
    • Khateeb: Faizan Lalva
    • Topic: Focusing on the Right Things for Success
  • Grad Jumu'ah
    • MC 2018
    • 12:30 PM

Orphan Sponsorship Program

Islamic Information Centre

Get Involved

Past Events